Monday, April 26, 2010

WO Super man

Are you familiar with the work of artist Laurie Anderson?, not Louie Anderson, the comedian, yeah, no...not Loni Anderson the actress from 'WKRP in Cincinnati', (don't start singing, those things are written to stick) no I'm talking about LAURIE Anderson, the spoken word performance artist. She writes provoking, often humorous, insightful, and poetic work about all kinds of things.

Here's some motivational morsels to go along with your morning muffin and chai...

ps. If you feel up to it, play the first video, wait about a minute, then start the second one. Wait thirty seconds into the second one then start the last one. Now all are playing at the same time...Insta-art piece about the over saturation infiltration of mass media; hey, at least it's healthier than the Nightly News, Married With Children, and Reality TV coming at you?

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